Shenmue IIIBy Brandon Ditto | June 24th, 2015
I used to imagine there was an alternate timeline in video game history where Shenmue III was released. Unthinkably, I am now existing in this in this alternate reality! Subsequent play-throughs of the Shenmue series has always been bittersweet. Every time you play Shenmue II, the end of disc 4 is so hard to swallow. It feels like the start of an epic adventure. But you know you can’t continue; you know you won’t see what happens to Ryo… Until now. Words can’t describe how I feel, but somehow I’m in a world where Shenmue III is going to exist. This shouldn’t be happening. I had convinced myself completely that Shenmue III was never going to happen. Like the Dreamcast, Shenmue was destined to an early death. No matter how good, how creative Dreamcast and Shenmue are, the video game business just doesn’t allow for this kind of thing to exist. Thankfully, Kickstarter is changing the business of video games. You and I can now save Shenmue through crowdfunding. Continue Reading | 10 CommentsElysian Shadows: Confirming It’s Still ThinkingBy Brandon Ditto | August 3rd, 2014
Oddly enough, Dreamcast’s indie scene was never something that I was really interested in. The experiences DC’s indie games delivered are perhaps not as engaging as some of the good commercial releases for the system. There’s a lot of 2D shoot-em-ups in the indie library. While I can appreciate a good shooter from time to time, these sometimes 320×240 res games aren’t exemplifying the Dreamcast’s strengths (don’t get me wrong, the 320×240 Dreamcast arcade games are still great!). I didn’t think an indie Dreamcast game could get me excited; to make me feel like we have a console that can provide modern gaming fun. But after over a decade since Dreamcast’s death, we finally have a deeper, enthralling experience us Dreamcast fans can be excited for: Elysian Shadows. Continue Reading | 5 Comments |